Sunday, February 28, 2010

Need Inspiration to Clean House?

Ok so we all like a clean house (well most people do).  But we all have lazy days and sometimes just don't feel motivated to do things.  If you need some motivation to clean house, be it just straightening up, or tackling a bigger job like a closet, basement or garage then I highly suggest you watch some episodes of Hoarders on A&E.

If you've never seen the show it is basically a show about people that have problems with hoarding.  They go in (with a film crew) and try to help these people mentally and physically.  My husband and I really enjoy watching it.  Sometimes it is depressing, on the episodes where the person really doesn't seem to "get it" even at the end.  But sometimes the endings are quite surprising and those you thought were never going to clean up, do.  My only gripe with the show is that they try to do too much too fast.  When we first started watching it, they usually had several days to work on things.  And it seems like the last couple episodes we've seen they only had two days.   And two days to clean a hoarders house is not remotely do-able.  So it kind of set those stories up for failure, or what felt like a "start" instead of a completion.  Some of the episodes are much better than others.  But many of the episodes are really uplifting and you can see real hope return to these families eyes.  Which is super cool.

Either way, it's an interesting show.  And trust me, afterwards, you will be motivated to tackle whatever cleaning project is hanging over your head!  Because seeing those examples of such extreme uncleanliness, really makes you want to clean!

A&E usually puts up two episodes online at a time.  And they rotate them out from time to time.  You can watch for free by clicking here, which will take you to the A&E website.

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